15 persone che hanno perso peso grazie a un'invincibile forza di volontà... e hanno trasformato la loro vita

di Alberto Ragazzini

16 Settembre 2018

15 persone che hanno perso peso grazie a un'invincibile forza di volontà... e hanno trasformato la loro vita

Perdere peso richiede notevoli sforzi sia fisici che mentali, non è mai semplice seguire un nuovo stile di vita caratterizzato da tanto esercizio fisico e un regime alimentare sano ed equilibrato. In molti si perdono per strada perché non supportati o per la scarsa forza di volontà, quello che stiamo per mostravi oggi sono 15 ragazzi e ragazze che sono riusciti a voltar pagina perdendo notevolmente peso. Queste immagini devono servire come prova del fatto che nulla è impossibile grazie al duro lavoro e alla forza di volontà!

1. Una trasformazione radicale per questa ragazza!

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Believe in yourself, and anything is possible. #mclivinit #mcstory - One year, and 4 months ago... I took this first picture. I have had doubters, haters, and some very mean people come through my life. What I have gained from this last year is incredible. I’ve realized that people will say things. People will have amazing things to say. Some people will doubt. People will say mean things. “You are fake, you are fat, you are beautiful, you are everything” YES... those are all things people have said to me in the LAST 24 hours.. and that is OKAY.. Bc Everyone has an opinion. We have all gone through things.. hence my new single Burn- expressing my opinions through MY music! Have you ever said something you don’t mean? Have you ever said something mean..(even maybe just to yourself)? YES. We all have. We are human. We make mistakes, but we only learn from making them. It is normal to have flaws, they make us UNIQUE, beautiful, and make YOU who YOU are. Today just know one thing.. the only opinion that matters is yours. You have to confide in yourself to make a change.. whether that be a journey, an addiction, a relationship, or even for a career. Listen to yourself, listen to your heart. . . Follow @great_weightloss_inspirations for inspiring stories, tips, humor and a possible feature💞 - 📸 All credits to respective owner @mclivinit 😍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #healthyfood #foodfuly #healthy#slimmingworld #beforeandafter#weightlossjourney #health#plantbased #transformation #salad#eatclean #diet #wholefoods #foodie#cleaneating #nutrition #iifym #protein#vegan #fitnessmotivation #weightloss#fitfam #fitness #fit #exercise #inspiration#dinner

Un post condiviso da Great Weightloss Inspirations (@great_weightloss_inspirations) in data:


2. Sembra quasi di aver di fronte due donne diverse...

3. Questa donna ha perso ben 108 libbre...

4. Oltre 100 libbre tra la prima e la seconda foto... veramente niente male!

5. Si può dire che questo ragazzo sia completamene rinato!


6. Ben 88 libbre in meno!

7. 100 libbre in 10 mesi non si perdono senza una volontà di ferro!

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Hey y’all! My name is Ethan, and i’m a premed student with my sights set on becoming a heart surgeon. I have had quite the life in terms of career/education. I have experience as an automotive mechanic, a roustabout in the oilfield, car sales, auto parts sales, and currently a pharmacy tech. I grew up working on classic cars and trucks day and night!I have been overweight/obese all of my life, weighing in at 476 lbs at 21yo. (July ‘16) At that point, I pretty much realized that I would be doing good to see 40, let alone accomplish any of my dreams that I wanted so badly. I had enough, and began taking my nutrition and exercise regularly, and lost 100lbs exactly in 10 months. During this time, I quit dipping snuff, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol daily. The day that I hit the first 100lbs lost mark, was May 8, 2017!This was the day I went into Baylor Hospital in Plano, TX and had my VSG (sleeve gastrectomy) done!Since having my sleeve, I have lost another 113 lbs in roughly 13 months, putting me down ~213 total! I have went from a 6XL shirt to an XL. Pants from a 52 to a 36!There have been struggles and there have been hardships; but this life has been better than I ever could have imagined life could be 2 years ago. I really hope to continue using this platform to motivate and inspire, and show that no matter what hand you are dealt in life, you can overcome anything and achieve absolutely everything you set out to achieve. . Follow @great_weightloss_inspirations for inspiring stories, tips, humor and a possible feature💞 - 📸 respective owner @ethanstill95 . . . . . . . . #healthyfood #foodfuly #healthy#slimmingworld #beforeandafter#weightlossjourney #health #veganfood#plantbased #transformation #salad#eatclean #diet #wholefoods #foodie#cleaneating #nutrition #iifym #protein#vegan #fitnessmotivation #vsg#fitfam #fitness #fit #exercise #inspiration#dinner #avocado

Un post condiviso da Great Weightloss Inspirations (@great_weightloss_inspirations) in data:


8. In questo caso sono 140 le libbre perse!!

9. La prova che con il duro lavoro si può raggiungere qualsiasi obiettivo!


10. Anche in questo caso la trasformazione è evidente!

11. Sembrano due ragazzi diversi... Incredibile cosa può fare la palestra unita a una dieta equilibrata!


12. Un risultato straordinario quello raggiunto da questa ragazza!

13. Il risultato dopo aver perso 150 libbre


14. Da quando questa ragazza ha deciso di voltare pagina, ha raggiunto traguardi impensabili!

15. 90 libbre fa era un'altra ragazza...

Queste foto sono una bella dose di coraggio e forza, per tutte quelle persone che ogni giorno affermano di non poter raggiungere i propri obiettivi!
